
Showing posts from March, 2022

Model Questions for Computational Biology and Biostatistics

 Model Question for Computational Biology and Biostatistics B.Sc. 5th Semester Zoology (Honors) Total Marks: 60 (Practical 20 + Internal assessment 20) Distribution of marks:  Very Short Question:    ( 2 marks) Write the full form of NCBI and FASTA .  Write the full form of PDB and EMBL . What do you understand by metabolomics ? Write two applications of bioinformatics.  Write two limitations of bioinformatics. Write the full form of BLAST . Name the tools you are going to use to perform BLAST for Protein and Nucleotide sequences.  Define Genomics and Transcriptomics .  What is a phylogenetic tree ? Why it is used? Write two differences between the primary database and secondary database .  Write a short note on the NCBI database .  Write the full form of DDBJ and NDB .  Write a short note on SWISS-PROT . What is a metabolic pathway database ? Give an example. What is a small molecule database ? Give an example.  What ...

Model Questions for Ecology B.Sc. First Semester

Model Question Paper Principles of Ecology (ZOO-HC-1026) Total marks: 60 Distribution of marks Short answer type question: (For 2 marks) Define Autecology and Synecology .  What do you mean by unitary population ? Give an example of a unitary population.  What is a modular population ? Write with an example.  Define population .  What is fecundity ?  What are the age ratio and sex ratio ? Write two density-dependent and independent factors of population regulation.  What is the abiotic component of the ecosystem? Give two examples.  What is the biotic component of the ecosystem? Give two examples.  What do you mean by biome ? Define species richness . Define species evenness . What do you mean by vertical stratification ? Write briefly.  What is ecesis ?  Define ecological efficiency . What do you mean by the bio-geo-chemical cycle ? Give an example.  What do you mean by natality ? How does it influence population growth ? Def...