How to make Papad from rice ? চাউলৰ পৰা পাপৰ কেনেকৈ বনাব ?

I am quite sure most of the Indian people like to eat masala (spices). We can use the masala in various ways. If we add masala to the chicken, it will become chicken masala and we use to add to the fishes to make fish masala ! Even we love to add masala in our tea and call them masala tea. Right? Normally, papad is a mixture of different masalas with a base. Today I am going to give you the idea of how to make a papad. Wait wait.. the recipe that I am going to share needs very less masala ! So it can be taken by people of any age group. So lets begin :) Youtube Link What you will need: 1. Rice : One cup (soaked in water for 24 hours) 2. Chilli flakes : Half tea spoon 3. Black pepper flakes : Half tea spoon 4. Black salt : Half tea spoon 5. Mustard oil : 2-3 drops 6. Water : 1'5 cup The procedure : * Grind the soaked rice into fine milk by adding 1'5 cup of water. *Add the chilli and black pepper ...