Model Questions for Computational Biology and Biostatistics

Model Question for Computational Biology and Biostatistics B.Sc. 5th Semester Zoology (Honors) Total Marks: 60 (Practical 20 + Internal assessment 20) Distribution of marks: Very Short Question: ( 2 marks) Write the full form of NCBI and FASTA . Write the full form of PDB and EMBL . What do you understand by metabolomics ? Write two applications of bioinformatics. Write two limitations of bioinformatics. Write the full form of BLAST . Name the tools you are going to use to perform BLAST for Protein and Nucleotide sequences. Define Genomics and Transcriptomics . What is a phylogenetic tree ? Why it is used? Write two differences between the primary database and secondary database . Write a short note on the NCBI database . Write the full form of DDBJ and NDB . Write a short note on SWISS-PROT . What is a metabolic pathway database ? Give an example. What is a small molecule database ? Give an example. What ...