Healthy fish curry with roasted ingridients

Presenting a delicious fish curry with lots of health benefits. Sesame seeds are fiberous and a source of high plant protein. This source of Vit B helps to maintain the cholesterol level in our body. On the otherhand, cherry tomatoes are very rich in Vit C. It is having anti oxident properties and can boost the immunity in our body. This fish recipe is very healthy and you should definitely give a try ! Prepared a video (only 2 mins long). Kindly have a look ffor more details !! Click here for the Youtube video What you will need: One medium sized onion Garlic cloves: 10-15 Small piece of ginger Green chillies Cherry tomato Sesame seeds Coriander Fish pieces (You can take small sized whole fish too) Procedure: Roast d garlic, sliced onion, sliced ginger, chillies on a nonstick tawa till reddish in colour. Roast the sesame seeds too. Now roast and smoke the cherry tomatoes. Mix all the ingridients and make a fine paste using a mixture grinder. Marinate...