Khonoma: The Greenest Village of Asia ! How and When to visit ?

Why think of abroad when you have heaven in your country!! “ The world is a book and those do not travel read only a page ”- Saint Augustine Well, I am not a hardcore reader but if the world is a book, I have completed at least the first four pages of it! Traveling is sometimes called a healthy addiction and to be honest, I am addicted to it. Somebody said, “If you are happy or sad, it’s high time to pack your bag”. And I always follow this. Today I will take you to Khonoma; the greenest village of Asia! So please be seated and fasten your seat belts as we will fly now from your city to the greenery. (Click here to visit Khonoma in Youtube in my channel) (Picture Courtesy: ) K honoma referred to as Khwunoria is a nearly 500 years old village in Nagaland. Listening to the oral hi...