Model questions for B.Sc. 3rd Semester Skill development Paper of Gauhati University: Ornamental Fish and Fisheries

In the new CBCS syllabus of B.Sc. Zoology of Gauhati University, they have introduced a skill development paper on "Ornamental Fish & Fisheries" (Code: ZOO-SE-3014). Here I am providing some model questions for this paper. 

Question Pattern: 

For 2 marks: 

  1. What do you mean by key characters in fish identification?
  2. Define ornamental fish with an example of indigenous ornamental fish.
  3. What do you mean by exotic ornamental fishes? Write an example.
  4. What do you mean by planktons?
  5. What are the different types of planktons that are available for fish?
  6. What do you mean by biodiversity hotspot? Assam comes under which biodiversity hotspot?
  7. Write the scientific names of four (4) indigenous ornamental fishes.
  8. What is biological filtration?
  9. Why aquarium plant is important in fish tanks?
  10. Write down the four most important points while constructing a home aquarium.
  11. Define the pure culture of planktons.
  12. Define pigment. How does sunlight play an important role in pigmentation?
  13. What are different natural foods for ornamental fishes?
  14. What are the various limnological parameters that one should remember during maintaining an aquarium? 
  15. Write the scientific names of four commercially important exotic ornamental fishes. 

For 5 marks: 

  1. What do you mean by indigenous and exotic ornamental fish species? Give 2 examples for both. 
  2. What are the different food items available naturally for the small indigenous ornamental fishes?
  3. What do you mean by Planktons? What are the different types of planktons that the fishes feed on?
  4. What do you mean by Physico-chemical  / limnological parameters of aquarium water? How you are going to analyze dissolved oxygen (DO) for a water sample?
  5. What do you mean by biological filtration? Why it is important for maintaining the aquarium?
  6. Write briefly on pure culture technique for planktons.
  7. Write briefly on how to maintain the natural color of the ornamental fishes.
  8. How light can play an important role in the coloration of ornamental fishes? Write briefly. 
  9. What is feed formulation for ornamental fishes? Write shortly about the process. 
  10. What are the natural foods for ornamental fishes? Write with an example.
  11. What are the important points to be remembered during the construction of a home aquarium?
  12. Write a short note on indigenous ornamental fishes of North-East India.
  13. On what basis you are going to choose the aquarium plants? Give examples of different aquarium plants.
  14. Write about the required conditions to declare a fish as an ornamental fish?
  15. What do you mean by pigmentation? How do the ornamental fishes maintain their body color?  

For 8 marks: 

  1. What are the important factors required to maintain an aquarium? Write shortly on the construction of an aquarium.                                                                                                                             4+4=8
  2. How are you going to identify an ornamental fish? Write about the various conditions to declare a fish as an ornamental fish.                                                                                                            2+6=8
  3. Write the step-by-step procedures of natural breeding of Tricogaster species.                                    8
  4. Write about the natural food items use to maintain the coloration of ornamental fishes.                     8
  5. What are the strategies the fish farmers should take to healthy rearing of a fish?                                8
  6. What are the different food items used to feed the ornamental fishes? Write about the procedures of food formulation.                                                                                                                          4+4=8
  7. What do you mean by the pure culture of planktons? Write the steps on how you are going to make a pure culture of planktons for your ornamental fishes.                                                               4+4=8
  8. Write about the different indigenous ornamental fishes cultured in Assam.                                         8
  9. What do you mean by the Physico-chemical parameters of an aquarium? Write the procedures for analysis of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH of the aquarium water.                                             4+4=8
  10. What do you mean by biological filters? How you will clean your aquarium using the biological filters?                                                                                                                                           2+6=8
  11. How you are going to develop biological filters for your aquarium? Write the step-by-step procedures.                                                                                                                                   4+4=8
  12. What are the differences between indigenous and exotic ornamental fishes? What factors you are going to look at while keeping the fishes in the aquarium?                                                         4+4=8
  13. Write about the sources of pollution in the aquarium that are responsible for the death of the fishes? How you are going to save your fish?                                                                                          3+5=8
  14. What are the different types of planktons you have studied? Write about the phytoplanktons and the technique related to pure culture.                                                                                                 4+4=8
  15. Write the scientific name of five (5) indigenous ornamental fishes of Assam. What you are going to do to maintain their natural coloration?                                                                                       5+3=8
  16. How you will maintain the two important Physico-chemical parameters i.e. dissolved oxygen and pH in your aquarium?                                                                                                                   4+4=8

Questions prepared by:
Dr. Gitartha Kaushik, Ph.D.; Post. Doc. 
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Rangapara College


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